Virtual Classroom

Step-by-Step with Local Artists

Welcome to the Virtual Classroom! We are excited to offer these free learning opportunities to families.

We understand that everyone has different comfort levels with everything going on right now in this world of COVID, so we’ve created our very own Virtual Classroom for those of you who don’t feel comfortable coming back to in-person activities at EIAA. Browse through our classes and get creative from the comfort of your own home!

  • To filter the list of classes, select Topics and Grade Level in combination.
  • Some classes are a series, and some are one-and-done. When there is a series it is best to "take" these classes in order.
  • Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel. You can choose to be alerted when new classes are posted so you don't miss out! 

We hope you will share your projects with us so we can keep our connections strong! Share the classes with your friends, too! 

Storytelling with Shadow Puppets - Class 2 of 3
Join Darrin Crow for this series that will take you through the steps needed to create a shadow puppet performance for your family! CLASS 2 OF 3 - GRADE LEVEL: 1 - 6
Storytelling with Shadow Puppets - Class 3 of 3
Join Darrin Crow for this series that will take you through the steps needed to create a shadow puppet performance of “The Three Billy Goats Gruff” for your family! CLASS 3 OF 3 - GRADE LEVEL: 1 - 6
Puppet Parade  - Stick Puppets
Create stick puppets to tell the familiar tale: The Three Little Pigs. Learn how to make your own stick puppets using stiff paper, tape and a stick! Time to get creative! CLASS 1 OF 4 - GRADES K-5
Puppet Parade - Paper Bag Puppets
Create paper bag puppets and develop your storytelling ability. Experiment using unique voices for your puppet characters as you tell jokes! CLASS 2 of 4 - GRADE LEVEL K-5
Puppet Parade - Envelope Puppets
Create envelope puppets and develop your storytelling ability. Use your puppet characters to tell knock-knock jokes! CLASS 3- GRADE LEVEL K-5
Puppet Parade - Sock Puppets
Join Darrin Crow for the last class in this series to create sock puppets and tell a short tale for your family! CLASS 4 of 4 - GRADE LEVEL K-5
Name That Song: A music listening adventure
Take a musical adventure challenge from Mr. Roundtree, a CRCSD music educator, and name that song! CLASS 1 of 3 - GRADES 2-5
Name that Song 2 : A music listening adventure
Take a musical adventure challenge from Mr. Roundtree, a Cedar Rapids Community School District music educator, and name that song! CLASS 2 of 3 - GRADE LEVEL 2-5
Name that Song 3 : A music listening adventure
Take a musical adventure challenge from Mr. Roundtree, a CRCSD music educator, and name that song! CLASS 3 of 3 GRADE LEVEL 2-5
Beginning Acoustic Guitar - Chords and Tuners