by Naomi Rose
Here at the Academy, we're trying our very best to be cautious with the COVID-19 health recommendations so we can keep our Academy family safe and healthy. We welcomed back our in-person programming at the end of June with precautions - like required masks, temperature checks at the door, social distancing (we like to tell everyone to "keep at least one cow-length between you at all times!"), wiping equipment down with Clorox wipes, and hand sanitizer at every entrance.
Due to the recent spike in COVID-19 cases, we have decided to take a short break in programming until October. We are deeply saddened to, once again, only be able to interact with our EIAA family virtually. But we're doing our best to stay connected! More on that later - but for now, take a look at this fantastic article the Gazette wrote about us opening up in June. We're thankful for the community support and engagement.