The Eastern Iowa Arts Academy thanks the following businesses and groups for providing Social Networking Opportunities and support for our new Young
Professionals Board.

Who is a Young Professional?
Someone who is employed in the Corridor area between the ages of 21-35(ish.)
Why do we have a Young Professional Board?
We need people who are from different walks of life with fresh ideas and perspectives to bring their brilliance to our organization.
Here are some areas you may be able to assist with:
- Event Planning
We've got 8 rock bands that play gigs around the area and multiple fundraising events throughout the year. Do you have ideas that could make these events bigger? Better? Cooler?
- Fundraising Ideas
No one wants to go door-to-door asking for money. What are some fresh and effective ways we could reach people?
- Volunteer organization
Many hands make the load light.
- Networking
We'll share our connections, you share yours, k?
- Marketing
Maybe you take cool pictures at our events so we can use them on social media. Or maybe you have a plane that can put our name in skywriting (that would be awesome). We never want our marketing to become stale. We want you to help us keep "fresh".
How to apply to the EIAA Young Professionals Board:
Complete the application HERE.
What will happen next: Your application will be reviewed, and you will be contacted to confirm or deny your acceptance. Young Professionals Board terms begin in October and last for one year, but the board may be elected to fill vacant terms as needed throughout the year. Anyone who is interested in joining the EIAA Young Professionals Board is encouraged to submit an application at any time.
To learn more about the Eastern Iowa Arts Academy and their impact on children in the community, browse our website or visit us on Facebook!